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Chambray shirts
Zara Whiskey Leather Jacket
Daily Look Chambray Shirt Dress
Zara Silk Blouse

For you bloggers out there, have you ever not posted something because your pictures just wouldn’t turn out right or you eventually realize that the idea itself was quite silly? I thought it might be fun to share some of my failed shots that weren’t quite post-worthy, all shot over the last 2-3 weeks. And the thoughts behind them? Well..

1/ “Closet staple” – Are there any fash enthusiasts in the world that don’t own a single chambray/denim shirt? I don’t think those days exist anymore so I was going to showcase 3 versatile ways I wear it. As if pinterest doesn’t provide enough inspiration already so that went out the window after I couldn’t frame my pictures properly.

2/ “Perf leather jacket” – I found it pretty hard to find a good “whiskey” colored leather jacket that was affordable, but at the same time, did not look cheap. I luckily snagged this Zara one off of e-bay. Unfortunately, after about 20 shots, only this one photo turned out decent so I gave up – why can’t I just be photogenic and have every picture turn out flawless?!

3/ “New new” – Adding on to the above-said closet staple, this chambray shirt dress from DailyLook is a new and fresh silhouette if you’re bored of the original body. It’s actually a comfy boyfriend-feeling shirt that provides an off-duty look. Forgot to steam it before the photos in this session were shot (oops).

4/ “Silk blouse” – Let’s just say t’was not a good hair day.

Blogging is so much freakin work, but I’m pretty addicted to it. And despite having many failed shots, it’s actually a little fun.