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Counting My Blessings

le jolie

It seems ironic that I was just reflecting on all the unforeseen opportunities I’ve been presented this year and Thanksgiving is already here. I’m one of those traditional, cheesy people who really reflects on the year, falling into deep thought of all the wonderful things I’m truly thankful for – 5 things:

1/ Strength. I’m typically one who’s super hard on myself and despite always seeming like I’m on a high, I’m usually low & struggling. I counteract it by keeping myself so busy I don’t have time to think or worry it and it has worked favorably throughout the years. Some people call me lucky, but I think perseverance is ingrained in me. I’m thankful for strength, the stubbornness that prevails even when I feel like a complete failure.

2/ Wonderful People. Funny that I put myself out here in this virtual world, but I’m a genuine introvert and for that reason, I don’t keep very many people close in my life. However, the ones that coexist alongside me, I hold dear to my heart – that goes for family + friends who feel like family. I’m not sure I would have ever had much direction or sanity in my life if it wasn’t for the amazing, wonderful people rooting for me, criticizing me, and believing in me even when that faith didn’t exist within me.

3/ You. Over the last month, I’ve been receiving some of the sweetest, kindest comments ever. It makes my heart burst with joy…I’m just so speechless. It’s so refreshing to hear, yet I feel so undeserving. You don’t understand the kind of positivity and drive it brings me so thank you, thank you!

4/ My Resources. Income, food, technology, books – everything that has ever afforded me knowledge I am grateful for. I don’t think of these little things as blessings on the regular, but nothing in my life would be possible without them.

5/ The Zanita Team. Obvious, but a necessary call out – Zanita and Gustav for opportunity. I can’t recall the countless times I felt like giving up on this blogging thing because my efforts felt so wasteful over the course of 5ish years. Who would have known an innocent e-mail inquiring about writing could turn into something so forceful. Thinking you have potential is something, but when someone substantial sees that potential in you, it delivers a whole new level of joy and confidence. I’m thankful in so many ways words can’t explain.

“You have this one life. How do you wanna spend it? Apologizing? Regretting? Questioning? Hating yourself? Dieting? Running after people who don’t see you? Be brave. Believe in yourself. Do what feels good. Take risks. You have this one life. Make yourself proud.”